Sentimental: A Simple Sentiment Analyzer in Clojure

Posted on July 6, 2012


Sentiment analysis is the hot thing to do these days. One example is ViralHeat, a social media monitoring platform that uses sentiment analysis to provide a picture about how the conversation is trending about certain keywords (or combinations of keywords, which they call profiles). There’s a lot of such products, and for developers there’s a lot of high-quality and extensive libraries and toolkits that provide for this among other solutions, such Java’s WEKA or OpenNLP, or Python’s NLTK. There’s even many third-party solutions that provide an API you can use to get sentiment analysis, such as AlchemyAPI.

After deciding to create my very own sentiment analysis tool using Clojure, I began researching libraries in both Java and Clojure (because Clojure’s interop means that I can easily use Java libraries). There’s a lot of powerful tools out there, but my goal was to find something simple that could allow me to make a good enough sentiment analyzer without breaking the technical bank, so to speak.

At first, I was looking for facilities to stem words, for which someone had already provided a Clojure-wrapper around the Java library Snowball. I forked this and deployed it to Clojars. This, and a simple list of stop words to ignore, would allow me to reduce redundancies and get a “bag of words” representation of the target document.

Next, I wanted a nice and simple NLP library. Clojure-OpenNLP fit the bill perfectly. It even had a document categorizer I could train!

Now, I should briefly explain the overall process. At the heart of the sentiment analyzer is a naive-Bayesian classifier. This classifier is provided with a labelled list as training material (“sad” is “negative”, “happy” is “positive”). The various categories are the sentiments, such as “positive”, “negative”, “neutral” (I used 6 categories, for strong/weak sentiment). The classifier then learns to associate categories with words, based on training information that is supplied to it. Given a new sentence, the classifier then calculates the probabilities of each word belonging to each category, and the category with the best probability of covering the sentence is returned. Learn more about how to build naive-Bayes classifiers here.

So, the next step was to get the actual training data. I found the subjectivity lexicon to fit my needs perfectly. After parsing the document into a vector of hash-maps, I was able to create a training document for my very own opennlp model, which was to be the classifier. The other step was to create a function that would remove stop words and also stem each word. This was pretty easy to do using the snowball-stemmer library and a few lines of Clojure.

Granted, I didn’t build my own naive-Bayes classifier, but that’s a project for another time :)

And here’s the project:

You do need to install Leiningen and have JDK 1.6 on your machine. After these two steps, simply cd into the project and type lein repl, following the example in the readme.