MassiveStart: Helping Film Makers Understand Their Audience

Posted on May 21, 2011

At the culminaton of NUvention:Web, a two part course that teaches the fundamentals of building a web startup, our team is putting the final touches on our product: MassiveStart.

The core problem we try to solve is making iteration of film projects easier by making it simple to conduct ad-hoc surveys of films. We do this by giving each film project its own page, and allow the film maker to define various features their audience can then rate after watching a version of the film. Then, we display some plots about the collected data.

To provide maximum flexibility, we allow embedding of video players from major websites such as Vimeo and Youtube, which film makers are using already. Also, the generic stuff like comments are also available via Disqus.

The current version prototypes large parts of our vision and shows that while there are many features we could add, there definitely is a product that we can pursue here. Creative work is hard and messy, and we intend to bring a data-driven approach to improve the process.

Check it out and tell us what you think using the feedback button!